Privacy Policy

The protection of the personal information and data of the visitors of our website is a priority for us so that you can enjoy all our services with maximum security possible. In this section we will explain to you the way we collect and process personal data as well as your rights in this procedure. If you wish to continue using our services you should agree with our privacy policy and give us your consent in order to collect and process personal data. The personal data is any information that refers to you, when you visit this website, that can help identify you. Such information is your name, address phone number e.t.c. The process of the personal data is any action or series of actions that are performed by automatized or not technics on personal data or groups of personal data such as the collection, registration, organization, articulation, storage, adaptation, change, retrieval, search of information, the use, the spread or any other form of sharing information, the association, combination limitation, erasure, or destruction (ar. N 4 p. 1 & 2 of the GPDR). When you visit our e- shop we have to collect, process and use some of your personal data for the purpose of providing our services within the terms of our contractual agreement and only with your consent. We state to you explicitly that we comply with the articles of the European and Greek laws regarding the protection of your personal data and we guarantee that we handle them with the most secure and reliable way in order to minimize any danger of data leakage or elimination. The legally responsible company for Bollicine Mykonos is Zoi Pentagragka & Sia OE registered in Greece under registration number 131282603000 and the VAT number is 997488417.


For any questions or further requests, please send an email at [email protected].


What kind of personal data we collect and process
Beside the personal data we mention above such as your name, address, e- mail and phone number, during your visit to our website we also collect automatically, for technical reasons, other data such as your IP address (which is given to us by your internet provider), the website through which you visited our site, or your browser (technical information). These technical information may consist personal data. As a general practice we use these data for technical reasons such as the operation and protection of our website against cyber attack and misuse and for statistical purposes in an pseudonymous or anonymous form.


How we use your personal data

We collect, process and use your personal data when you use our site especially when you register for the first time, and every time you log in or use the shopping cart service. We use your personal data always in compliance with the European and Greek laws and this privacy policy. This process of your personal data is performed only for the purpose to provide you with our services and only after you have given us your explicit consent once you first register in this website. We guarantee that  we process your personal data with the maximum security in order to minimize the danger of leakage.


Visit to the site
During your visit to our site, the following data will be stored in our log files for technical reasons:
The IP address (network protocol address) of the access computer
The website through which you visit us (reference)
Our websites that you visit
The date and the duration of the visit
The type of the browser and its adjustments
Functional system
The data will be stored as a technical precaution to protect the data protection systems against unauthorized access.


The use of cookies
We use cookies in our websites. The cookies are text archives that help us make your visit to our website easiest. This includes for example the predefined settings for the presentation of our website or the shopping cart functions as well as the ability to register to our website only once. The cookies contain a clear combination of digits/ letters that determine the browser that you use. These cookies are only temporarily stored in our server and they are transmitted to our server when you visit our website. We mostly use cookies with expiration date that are not stored in your hard drive and get deleted after long period of inactivity. You can see and delete the cookies that are stored in your p.c. and check the way, that cookies are generally managed thought your browser settings. You can get more information at Cookies Policy.


Logging in, connecting and the shopping cart function
When you register to our website, or log in, or use the shopping cart function, or attempting to order something, we collect, process and use your personal data in the limits of the data protection laws. Within this context, we may sent you an e mail to the address that you have filled in at your registration to our website and with your consent, which was also initially given to us at registration, propose to you goods and services, based on the information we have received from your previous visits or attempts to order from our website. When you are ready to order something from our e shop, you are asked to fill in a form that contains obligatory and optional information. We collect data from the obligatory fields which is necessary for the completion of the order, that refer to your name, address, logistics, pricing and paying method that you have chosen.


Processing Shopping Cart Data, Special Promotional Actions and other information
We collect the data from the shopping cart function even if you have just attempted to order something for promotional reasons and notification reminders to your email address. You can deactivate that function at any time. We can use your data in order to send you information about promotional activities and other offers of our site. You can opt out at any time. We want you to enjoy reading our e-mails so we count and store the percentage of the e-mails that you open, the context of the e-mails that you open as well as the number of e-mails that are not delivered. We may also use these data for statistical purposes. Some informative announcements that are necessary for the completion of our contractual agreement and are relevant to services (verification of registration, information of customers support) or to services that are charged (verification of the order, process of payment) cannot be deactivated. These notifications will be send to the email address that you have provided us.


We collect, process and store personal data and technical information that we get from your visit to our website, or from any other contact we have either by phone call or e mail or communication form. We use these data a) only within the limits and purposes of our contractual agreement b) to prevent or persecute any misuse or unlawful behavior in our website c) if we are obliged by a state authority for example by an official directive or a court decision and d) to secure our rights, demands or for litigation purposes.


Transfer of Personal Data
During the transfer of personal data we always try to ensure maximum security. Therefore your data are transferred only to companies that have been carefully chosen and are GDPR compliant due to written agreements. In addition your personal data are transferred only to companies that are in the EΕΑ territory where the strict laws for data protection apply or to companies outside EΕΑ which have all the necessary certifications and commitments that are compliant with the European Data Protection standards.

Transfer to service providers:
For the purpose of keeping our site functional and executing your orders, we. cooperate with various companies for example central IT services, website hosting companies, banks, logistics companies, where we transfer the necessary data in order to execute our contracts. Some of these companies are our external personal data processors and they use the personal data of our clients under our directions. We have agreed with these companies on the security measures they take and we monitor these measures on a regular base. In order to complete our contractual agreement we transfer only the necessary personal data to these companies. The transfer is done safely as the Greek and European law state. We have signed agreements for the protection of the personal data with these companies. In relation to the processing of your personal data by third parties the following apply:
– To deliver goods to logistic or courier companies when you place an order.
– To pay the goods via payment companies you state at the order form. If you pay with credit card the payment is executed through Eurobank’s secure platform. If you pay through Paypal this is executed and processed by the Paypal ( Europe) etCie S.C.A. 22-24 Boulevard Royal, L -2449 Luxembourg, Commercial Registry nr. R.C.S. Luxemburg B118 349. Electronic bank deposits are executed by the bank you choose. During the process of payment we do not make any records or store payment information such as your credit card number. You exclusively give this information to our payment associate.


Data Security
The security of your personal data is a high priority for us. We protect the data that we store with technical and organizational measures to prevent effectively their loss or misuse by third parties. All our employees are bound by privacy policy agreements. For your protection the personal data are transmitted in a encrypted form. For example we use TLS = Transport Layer Security to protect your communication through your browser at the internet. You can recognize this by a padlock that appears by your browser at a TLS connection. To secure a long term protection of your data, the security measures are regularly monitored and if necessary are adapted to the most updated technological templates.


Duration of Data Storage
Your personal data are stored for the necessary time. If you choose to close your account on our website you can ask us to erase your personal data and this will happen in a reasonable period of time that will not exceed 3 months. Bank records are processed by your bank service provider and we keep them for the time needed for the completion of the transaction. Data that have been collected with the use of cookies are stored for 12 months from the moment you consent to the use of cookies in our website.


Your rights
The safety of your personal data is a priority for us and for this purpose we use the most advanced technological security measures and procedures so that you can fully exercise your legal rights. We ensure that you can be informed about your personal data that we store and ask for their deletion or correction. The fastest and simplest way to do this is to log in your client’s account and immediately process the stored data, or erase your account. In this case the data are not destroyed but they stay locked for the necessary time due to legal obligations. In this case you can ask for the erasure of your personal data. In any case you can get the personal data that you have given us in a constructed Open Document Format, if this request does not affect the rights of other individuals. We are committed that you get your data as soon as possible and we apologize if there is a small delay for their collection.


Consent the right to object
Summarizing the above in order to visit or use the shopping cart application, you must consent to the following either every time you enter or once with your registration: a) to the collection, process, storage and transfer of your personal data to execute the service you wish b) to the process of your preferences and orders so that a consumer’s profile is made c) to receive informative or advertising newsletters via e mail or post d) to the use of cookies as we explained above e) to the transfer of personal data to third parties as explained above. Your explicit consent can be revoked at any time. We ask for your understanding if the application for the revocal of your consent may take some time for technical reasons and in the meantime you still receive notifications from us. For the withdrawal of your approval a simple notification is enough. To do so you can use the contact information of paragraph 1 without any charge other than the fees of your internet provider. If you receive information from us via email you can easily revoke your consent by clicking the relevant link in the email.


Modifications of the Above Information Regarding the Protection of Personal Data
We wish to always present to our customers attractive offers of goods and we therefore always adjust the range of our products to their wishes. To do so we may find it necessary to renew of modify this information document. We suggest that you regularly stay informed for any alterations of this page. If our modifications effect the terms of the consent that you have provided us, we will inform you specifically.

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